SUMMARY: Bookreader documents on Digital Unix?

From: Steve Thompson <smt_at_NICS1.CORNING.COM>
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 1996 09:22:45 -0500 (EST)

I said:

>I have some bookreader documents, formatted using VAX DOCUMENT V2.2 (now
>DEC DOCUMENT) on a VAX system. I'd like to read these using dxbook on a
>Digital Unix system (various versions, starting with V3.2A on up). Anyone
>know the magic incantion to reformat these files before or after transfer
>from the VMS system to the DU system to make them suitable for dxbook?

Thanks to:

The techniques suggested below do indeed work. Note that Serge's
suggestion requires at least VMS 6.1 (or a 5.5 system with FILE).

From: "Alan Rollow - Dr. File System's Home for Wayward Inodes."

I think a binary DECnet transfer will do the trick. As I recollect
the Bookreader files are variable length record files and the
Bookreader software on UNIX understands the format. Anything
which will preserve the record lengths should work.


the following seems to work (at least it just worked now and here ;-)

On the VMS system :

     COPY the_bookreader_doc.decw$book .decw_book
     SET FILE/ATTRIBUTE=(RFM:STM) the_bookreader_doc.decw_book

FTP the_bookreader_doc.decw_book to the DU system using BINARY mode.
Note that copying is not strictly required. To avoid the $ in the filename (not
very convenient under UNIX), you could also choose a different local filename
while ftp-ing. I prefer copying in order to not mess up the original VMS files.
(If you ever forget the right attributes ...).

Good luck,


- -
 Serge Munhoven Internet: MUNHOVEN_at_OLIVE.MSM.ULG.AC.BE
 Univ. of Liege, Department MSM (C2), Phone: ++32-4-3669337
 Quai Banning, 6, B-4000 LIEGE (Belgium) Fax: ++32-4-2530978

Steve Thompson Internet:
_at_ Corning, Inc. Phone: (607) 974 2659
Data Center, Sullivan Park FAX: (607) 974 3964
Painted Post, NY 14870
    "186,000 miles per second: it's not just a good idea, it's the law"
Received on Wed Dec 11 1996 - 15:54:20 NZDT

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