I said:
>I have some bookreader documents, formatted using VAX DOCUMENT V2.2 (now
>DEC DOCUMENT) on a VAX system. I'd like to read these using dxbook on a
>Digital Unix system (various versions, starting with V3.2A on up). Anyone
>know the magic incantion to reformat these files before or after transfer
>from the VMS system to the DU system to make them suitable for dxbook?
Thanks to:
The techniques suggested below do indeed work. Note that Serge's
suggestion requires at least VMS 6.1 (or a 5.5 system with FILE).
From: "Alan Rollow - Dr. File System's Home for Wayward Inodes."
I think a binary DECnet transfer will do the trick. As I recollect
the Bookreader files are variable length record files and the
Bookreader software on UNIX understands the format. Anything
which will preserve the record lengths should work.
From: munhoven_at_obelix.msm.ulg.ac.be
the following seems to work (at least it just worked now and here ;-)
On the VMS system :
COPY the_bookreader_doc.decw$book .decw_book
SET FILE/ATTRIBUTE=(RFM:STM) the_bookreader_doc.decw_book
FTP the_bookreader_doc.decw_book to the DU system using BINARY mode.
Note that copying is not strictly required. To avoid the $ in the filename (not
very convenient under UNIX), you could also choose a different local filename
while ftp-ing. I prefer copying in order to not mess up the original VMS files.
(If you ever forget the right attributes ...).
Good luck,
- -
Serge Munhoven Internet: MUNHOVEN_at_OLIVE.MSM.ULG.AC.BE
Univ. of Liege, Department MSM (C2), Phone: ++32-4-3669337
Quai Banning, 6, B-4000 LIEGE (Belgium) Fax: ++32-4-2530978
Steve Thompson Internet: smt_at_corning.com
_at_ Corning, Inc. Phone: (607) 974 2659
Data Center, Sullivan Park FAX: (607) 974 3964
Painted Post, NY 14870
"186,000 miles per second: it's not just a good idea, it's the law"
Received on Wed Dec 11 1996 - 15:54:20 NZDT