Webmasters? Summary.. Addendum..

From: Burch Seymour RTPS <bseymour_at_encore.com>
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 1996 16:56:25 -0500 (EST)

Sorry for the extra note, but I just wanted to clear up one point.

I did get asWedit to work. Someone pointed out to me that Netscape is
a resource hog. I had two incarnations of Netscape running against my
X-tube from two different hosts. I killed them off, and the color
problem went away.

I haven't really used asWedit yet, so no report on how good it might
be other than it does come up.

Look for it at: http://www.advasoft.com/asWedit.html
if you are so inclined.

This message from,			Encore Computer Corporation MS/712
Burch Seymour                           6901 W Sunrise Boulevard
Senior Consultant			Fort Lauderdale, Fl 33313 
email: bseymour_at_encore.com              Telephone: (305) 797-5627
Received on Wed Dec 11 1996 - 23:08:19 NZDT

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