Many thanks to Dave Golden for the appropriate answer. We need to
upgrade to 4.0a or swap boards.
>>Dave Golden
>>From: "Dave Golden" <>
>>X-Mts: smtp
>>> We just took delivery of 16 system from Aspen Systems to complement
>>> an earlier set of 16 systems. These are all EB164's (300Mhz EV5).
>>> Both systems have DE500 fast ethernet cards installed - however, the
>>> latest systems don't work under DU4.0.
>>> The latest systems have DE500's with firmware revision 2.0, while the
>>> earlier has revision 1.1 and/or rev. 1.2.
>>Are these the new DE500-AA's (look at the card, if there is a ROM
>>socket, then they are) ? If so, you need 4.0a to get them to work.
>>If changing OS revs is not an option, send 'em back and demand -XA's.
>>> When we put a rev 1.2 card into the new machines, they work
>>> fine. Ergo, there's a driver incompatability with the Rev 2.0 cards
>>> and DU 4.0. The only question is "what's the fix"?
>>Good luck,
>>Dave Golden
>>Invincible Technologies Corporation
Received on Mon Dec 23 1996 - 23:02:56 NZDT