Thanks to
Nikos George <>
As suspected there is no way of specifying the physical order of a
stripe set from either the command line or dxlsm. LSM simply picks up
your request and arranges the stripe order alpha-numerically.
The only workaround to this is to name your physical devices in a way
which will force LSM to place the stripes in the order you require.
If you have rz8, rz9, rz10 on controller 1 and rz16, rz17 on
controller 2 then you need to name your devices something like -
01-rz8, 02-rz16, 03-rz9, 04-rz17, 05-rz10 to ensure your stripe set
writes to alternate controllers.
Perhaps someone at DEC will put in a change request to engineering.
Original post follows.
Keith McCabe
Banque Paribas Capital Markets
London W1
LSM striping across multiple SCSI controllers
I'm trying to build an LSM stripeset across multiple SCSI controllers (Note
No HSZ40 or RAID involved here).
I have 5 disks per stripeset and 2 SCSI controllers with 3 disks on one
controller and 2 disks on the other. I would like to build my stripeset with
the first stripe on the first disk on controller 1 and the second stripe on
the first disk on controller 2 etc but LSM does not seem to honour this.
Read on if you're not already bored...
I built the stripe volume using
# volassist -g btrmdg -U gen make log 512m alloc=0 align=0 layout=stripe \
nstripe=5 rz8 rz25 rz9 rz27 rz10
so I specified the order on the command line in which I wanted the stripes
to be placed.
i.e. put the first stripe on rz8 followed by rz25 then rz9 then rz27 and rz10.
Then I tested my nice new stripe with -
# dd if=/dev/rvol/btrmdg/log of=/dev/null bs=64k count=1
whilst running volstat in another window
# volstat -g btrmdg -d -i 1
Because I was using count=1 on dd and the default stripe width is 64k I should
only be accessing rz8, the first device in the stripe. However, you guessed
it, I saw rz10, and only rz10 being hit.
Okay - now step up the count on dd and check which disk gets hit next.
# dd if=/dev/rvol/btrmdg/log of=/dev/null bs=64k count=2
This time rz10 and rz25 were recorded as being accessed.
# dd if=/dev/rvol/btrmdg/log of=/dev/null bs=64k count=3
This time rz10, rz25 and rz27 were hit.
It looks like the stripe width can only be built in alpha/numerical order
which is a shame 'cause I should get slightly better performance from my
stripe set if I can write to alternate controllers. Does anyone know of a
workaround for this?
Keith McCabe
Banque Paribas Capital Markets
London W1
Received on Tue Mar 11 1997 - 12:28:56 NZDT