Hi gurus.
I'm administrator of DEC ALPHA machine.
Last we buy Gear Multimedia for UNIX
We have Alpha 2100 with two processor's and 256 MB RAM
and Storage works, ver. of operating system is OSF/1 v3.2c
CDWORM was coneccted to scasi bus 0.
command :
# scu show edt
Bus: 0, Target: 3, Lun: 0, Device Type: Read/Write CDROM (or someth. eq.)
Bus: 0, Target: 3, Lun: 1, Device Type: Read/Write CDROM (or someth. eq.)
Bus: 0, Target: 7, Lun: 0, Device Type: Read/Write CDROM (or someth. eq.)
As a root I mount CDROM with Yours software.
# mount -r -o rrip -t cdfs /dev/rz6c /mnt
it was ok.
I start installation from root
# /mnt/install
All was ok.
I come to question about configurtion.
So I anserwd.
And if file with kernel ( /sys/conf/BILPAK_GD ) configuration was added
one line at the end of file:
device disk gd0 at scsi0 drive 030
On guestion about bus I anserwd: scsi0,
Target: 3,
Lun: 0.
The kernel was build successfully.
Copy of old kernel was done ok.
And after shutdown and restart with new kernel
system woldn't start.
System was panic and reboot and reboot.
Any IDEA ???
Maybe I must any node in /dev
for example : # mknod /dev/gd0c b major_dev# minor_dev#
but which major_dev, minor_dev.
Adam Danieluk
C.S.T. T.P.S.A
e-mail: adanielu_at_cst.tpsa.pl
Received on Fri Mar 14 1997 - 11:45:48 NZDT