From: Stavros A. Papadakis <spapad_at_csi.forth.gr>
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 1997 10:07:38 +0200

First of all thanks to those who replied:
 Olle Eriksson <olle_at_cb.uu.se>,
 Walter Mueller <walt_at_pi4.informatik.uni-mannheim.de>,
 Kurt Knochner <Kurt.Knochner_at_physik.tu-muenchen.de>.

  The question posted from me was:
> We have some Alphas [DEC 3000/300 LX] and we have been trying
> to install DU 4.0A. Besides all other problems, we are having
> trouble with gcc. The compiled version for 3.2D was not
> working properly (it reported `parse errors' while compiling
> some programs at any workstation with DU 4.0A).
> Finally I downloaded gcc2.7.2.2 and compiled it for DU4.0A.
> It seems to be working allright (of course there are those warnings
> about declaration mismatch for strlen, strcpy, etc., for which
> I have allready read about in previous postings here).
> What I want to ask is why I get messages for `unrecognized options'.
> I've noticed that neither `-std1' nor `-R<somepath>' are recognized
> (haven't tried all of them to see if there are other options not
> recognized as well). Am I missing something at the installation
> process?
> Any hints will be very appreciated.
> Thank you all for reading this.

  Well it seems that there are no such options for gcc running on
 DEC machines... gcc uses -ansi instead of -std1 and -Wl,-r<path>
 instead of -R<path>.

  The answers I received...

  Thanks again.

>From olle_at_cb.uu.se Thu Mar 27 09:35:03 1997
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Date: Thu, 27 Mar 1997 08:34:47 +0100
From: Olle Eriksson <olle_at_cb.uu.se>
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To: spapad_at_csi.forth.gr
Subject: Re: [Q] gcc
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-std1 isn't a valid gcc switch
-R isn't used by Digital Unix and is probably diabled by purpose

>From walt_at_pi4.informatik.uni-mannheim.de Thu Mar 27 10:54:36 1997
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Date: Thu, 27 Mar 1997 09:54:27 +0100 (MET)
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From: Walter Mueller <walt_at_pi4.informatik.uni-mannheim.de>
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To: "Stavros A. Papadakis" <spapad_at_csi.forth.gr>
Subject: Re: [Q] gcc
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Stavros A. Papadakis writes:
> Greetings OSF managers.
> We have some Alphas [DEC 3000/300 LX] and we have been trying
> to install DU 4.0A. Besides all other problems, we are having
> trouble with gcc. The compiled version for 3.2D was not
> working properly (it reported `parse errors' while compiling
> some programs at any workstation with DU 4.0A).
> Finally I downloaded gcc2.7.2.2 and compiled it for DU4.0A.
> It seems to be working allright (of course there are those warnings
> about declaration mismatch for strlen, strcpy, etc., for which
> I have allready read about in previous postings here).
> What I want to ask is why I get messages for `unrecognized options'.
> I've noticed that neither `-std1' nor `-R<somepath>' are recognized
> (haven't tried all of them to see if there are other options not
> recognized as well). Am I missing something at the installation
> process?
gcc does not understand all the options the DEC supplied cc knows
about. The option -std1 tells cc to use strict ISO C and ANSI C
conformance, gcc uses -ansi .
I haven't found -R for DEC cc and DEC ld, but on Solaris 2.x this
option is used to compile in a colon separated list where to look for
for shared libraries. On DigitalUnix this is done by the option

> Any hints will be very appreciated.
> Thank you all for reading this.
> ps. I have built a `stage3' compiler that accepts all available
> languages (C, C++ and Objective-C)
> --
> Stavros

Walter Mueller
Universitaet Mannheim		email: walt_at_pi4.informatik.uni-mannheim.de
Praktische Informatik IV	tel  : +49 621 292 5056
L15,16 Raum 413			fax  : +49 621 292 5745
68131 Mannheim
Unix *IS* user friendly; It's just selective about who it's friends are!

>From kurt_at_physik.tu-muenchen.de Thu Mar 27 16:34:10 1997
Received: from srv.cip.physik.tu-muenchen.de by nemesis.csi.forth.gr (ICS mailhost);
        on Thu, 27 Mar 1997 16:33:53 +0200 (EET DST); with id AA25841
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        Thu, 27 Mar 1997 15:33:50 +0100
Message-Id: <199703271433.AA13914_at_srv.cip.physik.tu-muenchen.de>
To: "Stavros A. Papadakis" <spapad_at_csi.forth.gr>
Subject: Re: [Q] gcc
In-Reply-To: Your message of Thu, 27 Mar 1997 09:00:25 +0200.
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 1997 15:33:50 +0100
From: Kurt Knochner <Kurt.Knochner_at_physik.tu-muenchen.de>
X-Mozilla-Status: 0011
Content-Length: 1104

         Greetings OSF managers.
           We have some Alphas [DEC 3000/300 LX] and we have been trying
          to install DU 4.0A. Besides all other problems, we are having
          trouble with gcc. The compiled version for 3.2D was not
          working properly (it reported `parse errors' while compiling
          some programs at any workstation with DU 4.0A).
           Finally I downloaded gcc2.7.2.2 and compiled it for DU4.0A.
          It seems to be working allright (of course there are those warnings
          about declaration mismatch for strlen, strcpy, etc., for which
          I have allready read about in previous postings here).
           What I want to ask is why I get messages for `unrecognized options'.
          I've noticed that neither `-std1' nor `-R<somepath>' are recognized
          (haven't tried all of them to see if there are other options not
          recognized as well). Am I missing something at the installation
           Any hints will be very appreciated.
           Thank you all for reading this.

There are no such options in gcc. That are options of the native DU cc.
The equivalent option for -std0 might be -W...

Received on Fri Mar 28 1997 - 09:34:37 NZST

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