Time problems (again)

From: Ryan Ziegler <Zieglerr_at_novachem.com>
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 1997 21:00:54 -0600

        Dec Unix 3.2g w/patch-0001 kit loaded
        Time set to GMT-7 (so we can control when time change happens)
        NTP in use.

        Cron jobs on the system in question are running 1 hour earlier than
they are scheduled in the crontab. When we set the time ahead on the
6th, we did it via 1) stop applications, 2) ntpdate -b {reference
system} 3) start applications....no reboots.

I haven't rebooted yet to see if this clears the situation, just wanted
to know if someone has run across this.


Ryan R. Ziegler | Not only into Hardware and
zieglerr_at_novachem.com | Software, but Silverware too.
Novacor Chemicals Ltd. |
   Tel: (403) 750-3668 FAX: (403) 750-4321
Opinions expressed, although correct, are those of the author and not
necessarily those of Nova Chemicals.
Received on Wed Apr 16 1997 - 05:11:16 NZST

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