We are attempting to use RWX5K-01 media in an RWZ52 drive for an industrial data logging application. The drive is mounted using ofs (optical file system) and is exported via NFS so that it can be written to by a PC which runs the datalogging application.
Unfortunately, the logging application reports an error when trying to write to the disk. It does not report the error when writing to a conventional disk on the same server (using NFS).
The datalogging applicattion suppliers (Fluke) report other occurences of problems with optical media.
Roger Hammerquist of Fluke wrote:
"We have had problems reported by clients using removeable media drives before, and upon researching this, we found that it is not specific to our software. Any software that does regular disk intensive activity (such as a data logger) seems to have problems with certain removeable media drives."
"It could have to do with file caching, the device driver, the way the file system handles file sharing security and file integrity, or virtually anything that makes the drive perform differently than a hard disk. We really just don't know and I don't want to give you any bad information by guessing. We simply do not claim to support removeable media drives."
Has anyone experienced, and more to the point solved, this problem before.
Is it anything to do with the fact the the optical drive only has a character based device driver, rather than character and block like a 'normal' drive.
Any advice would be gratefully received by a rookie sys admin.
Andy Turnell
Fujitsu Microelectronics Ltd
Newton Aycliffe
Tel. 01325 306035
Fax 01325 306800
Received on Fri Apr 18 1997 - 12:00:02 NZST