WU - FTPD woes ...

From: Douglas Meldrum <arn_at_oracle.dsuper.net>
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997 10:06:23 -0400 (EDT)


I have been having great difficulty in getting the guestgroup option for
wu.ftpd version 2.4 to work properly on our DEC ( uname -a: OSF1 oracle
V4.0 564 alpha ).
What I wish to accomplish is: for each "real" user who ftps to
the box, wu.ftpd chroot them to their home directory thus unabling them
to the rest of the system. This is based of the configuration of
ftpaccess (5) which states that when a "real" user establishes an ftp
connection, if that user belongs to the guestgroup and the guestgroup is
also listed in the /etc/group file, then wu.ftpd will treat the
connection like an anonymous ftp connection. However wu.ftpd will use the
$HOME/dir of the user as the root dir.

Alas, I have unable to produce the desired effect. Users who login via
ftp still have access to the rest of the system. I have compiled wu.ftp
2.4 withouth any modifications to the src code, using build osf ( calling
on the Makefile for osf ). I am starting to believe that there might a
problem when wu.ftpd calls upon chroot.

                   Douglas Meldrum
                  Technical Support
                   Delphi Supernet
Received on Thu Apr 24 1997 - 16:36:34 NZST

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