We have many problems with NFS since we upgrade our NFS server from
DU3.2D to DU4.0B.
Problems happen on Solaris2.5 NFS clients accessing disks on alpha server
DU4.0b) , and on NT4.0 server (alpha DU4.0b
client can nolonger access NFS disks, but solaris clients have no
problems). We settled all "officials" DU4.0b patches, but nothing
happened. I would like to know how (if possible...) to log NFS
transactions on DU, and where is NFS accounting (if it's somewhere). I
know there was a very close question few weeks ago, but I could not find it
out in archives.
Thanks a lot,
Institut de Physique Nucleaire
Bat 100 - S2I
91406 ORSAY Cedex
Tel: 01-69-15-62-68
E-mail: givaudan_at_ipno.in2p3.fr
Received on Fri Apr 25 1997 - 15:32:30 NZST