I'm having difficulty restoring from a cpio backup. Apparently, I'm not specifying the pattern properly for the restore.
Cmd. used for the backup:-
"find / -depth -print | cpio -ocvB | dd bs=5k of=/dev/rmt0h"
This in fact successfully backed up all files from root.
Now I want to restore all files and sub-directory contents of the "/robin" directory.
I issued for the restore:-
cpio -iudmvcB < /dev/rmt0h "/robin/*"
This only restored the directory names under /robin ex:
However, robin1 and robin2 also have sub-directories with files.
How can I restore all files & directories under robin recursively.
Essentially, I want to get back everything under the /robin directory. What pattern should i specify?
Received on Fri Apr 25 1997 - 23:03:44 NZST