This message summarizes the answers to my questions about adding a new
swap disk. I've organized the replies received into general categories.
My original questions are at the end of this message.
It appears I do not need to modify the jumpers on my drive, except
possibly the ones for SCSI ID and termination power.
A lingering question I have is whether using the entire disk (partition
c) for swap will indeed corrupt my disklabel. I am running Digital UNIX
3.2D-2. Will using partition a, which includes cylinder 0, for swap
also corrupt the disklabel? Should I just avoid cylinder 0 partitions
altogether and assign multiple non-0 partitions from the same disk to
Thanks to the following people for answering my questions:
check your disk at the console level, it should appear :
>>> sho device
then after boot do your MAKEDEV
In case of troubles, you can check by scu that your device is OK, seen
by D.U. :
# scu -f /dev/rrz5c sho device
You can look at the device configuration listing from the boot with:
uerf -R -r 300
This will list them out in reverse chronological order.
You can also check the contents of the SCSI bus using:
scu show edt bus 0
New SCSI drives have a special SCSI command to return their geometry to
caller; the disklabel command with an unknown disk type uses this
SCSI command to get the disk geometry therefore it is unnecessary to
have a
disktab entry.
Using "disklabel -rw rz5 unknown" should build a reasonable partition
table and label it for device rz5.
you will need to run
swapon /dev/rz5c
> 4. edit /etc/fstab with an entry like "/dev/rz5c swap2 ufs sw 0
/dev/rz5c swap2 ufs sw 0 0
check with swapon -s
This should make it all go on the fly, no need for a reboot.
Some older versions may try to overwrite the disklabel when the whole
disk is used as a page/swap device. I don't know when this was fixed.
Finally in your example, you use rz5c as swap partition. So all your
disk will be a swap partition, that's OK. Just notice that if you have 2
partitions on a disk, one for swap, other for file system, *never* begin
the swap partition first at sector 0. Swapper will corrupt your
partition table written at the begining of the disk.
To add a new disk, perform the following commands assuming SCSI bus 0,
SCSI ID 3, and ufs file system:
# cd /dev
# ./MAKEDEV rz3
# cd /sys/conf
# grep rz3 <HOSTNAME>
# grep rz3 GENERIC (if rz3 is NOT in <HOSTNAME>)
# vi <HOSTNAME> (if rz3 is NOT in <HOSTNAME>) (add
rz3 after rz0)
# cp /vmunix /vmunix.sav (if rz3 is NOT in <HOSTNAME>)
# doconfig (if rz3 is NOT in <HOSTNAME>)
(don't forget CDFS)
# cp /sys/<HOSTNAME>/vmunix /vmunix (if rz3 is NOT in <HOSTNAME>)
# shutdown -r now (if rz3 is NOT in <HOSTNAME>)
# cd /
# disklabel -z rz3
# disklabel -rw rz3 <disk_type> (if <disk_type> is in
# disklabel -rw rz3 unknown (if <disk_type> is NOT in
# disklabel -r rz3
# disklabel -re rz3 (if you want to edit the
# disklabel -r rz3 (if you edited the partitions)
# newfs /dev/rrz3a (as appropriate)
# newfs /dev/rrz3g (as appropriate)
# newfs /dev/rrz3h (as appropriate)
# mkdir /<dir> (make mount points as appropriate)
# vi /etc/fstab (add mounts as appropriate)
# mount /<dir> (as appropriate)
>From: Jimmy Chan - EXC
>Sent: Monday, April 28, 1997 5:19 PM
>To: ''
>Subject: Installing ST12550N disk in DEC 2100A
>I have a Seagate ST12550N 2Gb disk I wish to install in a DEC 2100A.
>Are there any special jumper settings I need to set, other than SCSI ID, to
>use the drive with my machine?
>Which disktab definition do I need to specify?
>I plan to install the new disk on the same SCSI bus as the internal CD-ROM
>and floppy drive. I'm pretty sure the SCSI ID for the CD-ROM is 6. What is
>the SCSI ID for the floppy?
>I am planning to use the entire disk as a swap device.
>My understanding of the installation procedure (assuming installation for
>device rz5) is as follows:
> 1. cd /dev
> 2. MAKEDEV rz5
> 3. disklabel -rw rz5 <some disktab definition>
> 4. edit /etc/fstab with an entry like "/dev/rz5c swap2 ufs sw 0 2"
>Is this correct?
>Thanks in advance.
Received on Wed Apr 30 1997 - 00:00:57 NZST