Initial post & one response follows.
Basically, if you do not do the steps of configuring the isa before
power cycling with the new firmware, you need to get a new motherboard.
DEC tech said that this is true on PCI based alphastations with pre-3.4
------- Forwarded Messages
Subject: Alpha 250 4-266 dead after firmware upgrade.
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 1997 11:31:33 -0700
From: Jim Surlow <>
Alpha folks,
After upgrading the firmware to 3.7, the machine lost all IO. No
display, no keyboard input, etc. I then found some release notes
indicating that if the upgrade is from pre-3.4, the ISA NVRAM
parameters might get corrupted! The solution described was to use
isacfg -all; upgrade firmware; isacfg -init; isacfg <isa values>;
finally power cycle the machine. These steps were not done.
I have tried to use a serial terminal (apparently the serial
interfaces also go through isa0), typed blindly "isacfg -init" ...
no success.
Any suggestions very welcome...
Relevant info:
OLD NEW (3.7)
SRM Console V4.2-3 6.2
ARC Console V4.28 4.49
PALcode VMS X5.48-100 X5.56-2
PALcode OSF X1.35-67 X1.46-2
BIOS (SRM) 1.15a
BIOS (ARC) 4.49
OCCURRED/LOGGED ON Wed Mar 22 04:50:44 1995
SYSTEM ID x0006000D CPU TYPE: DEC 7000
SYSTYPE x00000000
MESSAGE PCXAL keyboard, language English
Alpha boot: available memory from
_0xd66000 to 0x7ffe000
DEC OSF/1 V3.2 (Rev. 214); Fri Feb 3
_02:54:49 EST 1995
physical memory = 128.00 megabytes.
available memory = 110.07 megabytes.
using 483 buffers containing 3.77
_megabytes of memory
AlphaStation 250 4/266 system
Apecs pass II Sio rev II
Firmware revision: 4.2
PALcode: OSF version 1.35
pci0 at nexus
psiop0 at pci0 slot 6
Loading SIOP: script 800200, reg
_81040000, data 409c8198
scsi0 at psiop0
rz0 at scsi0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0 (DEC
_ RZ26L (C) DEC 442D)
rz1 at scsi0 bus 0 target 1 lun 0
_(MICROP 1991-27MZ Q4D HT02)
rz4 at scsi0 bus 0 target 4 lun 0 (DEC
_ RRD43 (C) DEC 1084)
tz3 at scsi0 bus 0 target 3 lun 0
_(EXABYTE EXB-85058SQANXR1 0781)
tz6 at scsi0 bus 0 target 6 lun 0 (HP
_ HP35480A 1009)
isa0 at pci0
gpc0 at isa0
ace0 at isa0
ace1 at isa0
lp0 at isa0
fdi0 at isa0
fd0 at fdi0 unit 0
msb0 at isa0
tu0: DECchip 21040-AA: Revision: 2.3
tu0 at pci0
tu0: DEC TULIP Ethernet Interface,
_hardware address: 08-00-2B-E5-B6-95
tu0: selecting AUI port
tga0 at pci0
tga0: depth 8, map size 4MB, 1280x1024
lvm0: configured.
lvm1: configured.
University of California, Irvine
Jim Surlow
Academic Computing - Departmental & Distributed Comp Support (OAC-DDCS)
E2130 Engineering Gateway (Zot2225)
Irvine CA 92697-2225
(714) 824-7354 Direct General phone number: (714) 824-6116
(714) 824-2069 FAX General e-mail address:
------- Message 2
From: Per Boussard <>
To: Jim Surlow <>
Subject: Re: Alpha 250 4-266 dead after firmware upgrade.
I just have to let you know that I suffered the exact same thing. The
machine was completely dead, and completely beyond repair, and DEC came
gave me new mother-board. I never heard anything from them (like feedback)
about the old board.
- ---
Per Boussard, UNIX Systems Administrator
Ericsson Radio Systems AB
------- End of Forwarded Messages
Received on Wed Apr 30 1997 - 22:07:04 NZST