Thanks to Aideen McConville <aideen_at_persimmon.co.uk>. He has send
me a 3 scripts along with apropriate inventory files for getting the
job done more easily. With his permission and with the usual
"use at your own risk" warning, I'm including the files here.
The only drawback is that the procedure requires about 10Megs
for the old files in / and I had no room for the newly built kernel.
So I did the following after running the scripts:
# find / -xdev -name "*pre_*" -print >/tmp/lst
# find /usr -xdev -name "*pre_*" -print >>/tmp/lst
# tar -c -R /tmp/lst -v -f /home2/pre.tar
# cat /tmp/lst | awk '{ print "rm " $1 }' | sh
# rm /tmp/lst
in order to save the obsolete files in a tar file at another place.
After building the kernel, the machine is now up again and I'm just
about to install the Java JDK 1.1.
Thanks as well to
Mike Newell <mnewell_at_newell.arlington.va.us>
for their comments.
He're the files from Aideen:
* NOTE!! The scripts and inventory files are based on the DIGITAL
* UNIX 4.0B patches
*/ ----------
Unpack all the patch files into /patches (or create an appropriate
link: such as ln -s <my-patch-dir> /patches)
Check the .xxx and .inv files for correctness!
Copy the executable (.xxx) and inventory (.inv) files to /patches,
cd to /patches,
Make sure the .xxx files are executable and run each of them (no
cmd-line arguments needed).
A few of the files may be missing from your installed system, that's OK.
Follow the instructions in DUV40Bpthreads-BL6ER.txt to rebuild kernel
Good luck!
foreach f (`cat patch133.inv`)
echo $f
mv $f $f.pre_133
cp -p `basename $f` $f
foreach f (`cat patch136.inv`)
echo $f
mv $f $f.pre_136
cp -p `basename $f` $f
cd /shlib
cp -p libc.so libc.so.pre_136
cp -p /patches/libc.so libc.new
mv libc.new libc.so
ln -f libc.so libc_r.so
chown bin:bin libc.so libc_r.so
chmod 644 libc.so libc_r.so
cd /usr/shlib
mv libexc.so libexc.so.pre_136
mv libpthread.so libpthread.so.pre_136
mv libpthreaddebug.so libpthreaddebug.so.pre_136
mv libpthreads.so libpthreads.so.pre_136
cp -p /patches/libexc.so .
cp -p /patches/libpthread.so .
cp -p /patches/libpthreaddebug.so .
cp -p /patches/libpthreads.so .
chown bin:bin libexc.so libpthread.so libpthreaddebug.so libpthreads.so
chmod 644 libexc.so libpthread.so libpthreaddebug.so libpthreads.so
cd /usr/ccs/lib
mv libc.a libc.a.pre_136
cp -p /patches/libc.a .
ln -f libc.a libc_r.a
chown bin:bin libc.a libc_r.a
chmod 644 libc.a libc_r.a
cd /patches
foreach f (`cat patch70.inv`)
echo $f
mv $f $f.pre_70
cp -p `basename $f` $f
This is my original message:
We're about to start a big Java 1.1 project and I wanted to install
the JDK 1.1 from DEC which can be downloaded from:
It requires the installation of a Pthreads patch which is really
a joke. In the accompanying text file, DEC is seriously telling
me to replace 77 (in words: seventy-seven) files by hand using
"cd path; mv file file.old; cp -p /patches/file ."
This just can't be true? Or am I missing something?
Has anybody come up with a script for that? The problem is that
all new files are in one directory and the final locations are specified
in the inventory section of the TXT file.
T o m L e i t n e r Dept. of Communications
Graz University of Technology,
e-mail : tom_at_finwds01.tu-graz.ac.at Inffeldgasse 12
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Received on Wed May 21 1997 - 18:07:36 NZST