Systems: Two Alpha 2000 servers running DUNix 4.0b. Security patch 0003
has been applied to both and the kernel was rebuilt on both.
History: In order to avoid the ftpd security bug, ftp connections to
both systems were disabled by making the image /usr/sbin/ftpd
non-executable prior tothe patch install.
After the patch install and kernel rebuilt, both systems
appear to have gotten a new ftpd image.
-rwxr-xr-x 1 bin bin 106496 Feb 2 19:40 /usr/sbin/ftpd
Problem: ftp connections are accepted by one system. On the other one
we get `connection refused' message.
What causes this error? How can we debug & fix?
-- mahendra
A. Mahendra Rajah Email: Mahendra_at_Meena.CC.URegina.CA
VMS & DUNIX Systems Manager Phone: (306) 585-4496
Dept. of Computing Services FAX: (306) 585-5060
University of Regina,
Regina, Sask., S4S 0A2 .::''''::..
Canada. .:::. .;'' ``;.
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Received on Thu Jun 05 1997 - 05:04:55 NZST