From: Douglas Meldrum <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 1997 12:24:42 -0400 (EDT)

Good day,

Sorry for the long delay in posting any info concerning my struggle with
geting my box into SINGLE UER MODE. I would like to say that this is a
summary to the problem, however I have grown quite skeptic over there
being a solution.

First of all, I would like to thank a bunch of you for your help:

Flannon Jackson <>
William H. Magill <>
Kurt Carlson <>
Spider Boardman <spider_at_Orb.Nashua.NH.US>
( and too others i forgot .. )

The solutions that I recieved where mostly on setting the "boot_osflags"
to "s" or doing a "boot -fl s" from the SRM console. However thoses
attempt also left me staring at INIT: SINGLE USER MODE wihtout any prompt.

There was also a mention of renaming sulogin in hopes that init would not
call upon it in order to do authentication when droping from init 3 to
init 0 but that also failed to show any difference.

After many a day with the Digital Tech Support, we finally realised that
there was a discrepency of about 5k in the /sbin/init installed on our
system and that of the tech representative. Basically when cold reseting
the machine into single user mode, the kernel after loading passes the
single user option to init which then spawns/threads/forks a virtual
login session in which to work with. And since we never got a prompt,
the problem could lie with that discrepency.

So we are trying it again tonight. Ill keep the listed posted.

ps. -rwxr-xr-x 1 bin bin 229376 Nov 15 1996 /sbin/init
just for thoses who want to compare.

  Douglas Meldrum
Network Coordinator
  Delphi Supernet


Date: Thu, 29 May 1997 11:23:17 -0400 (EDT)
From: Douglas Meldrum <>
To: Alpha OSF Managers <>


Last night, we had decided to try an install patch kit 3 to help releave
some of our C2 woes. Much to our surprise, we could not get our Dec Alpha
1000 to boot in single user mode ( needed for the patch installation ).

So here is what we tried to date:

SRM console >>> set boot_osflags s ( to have the machine boot up in
single user mode ). Booted the machine and it hung at INIT: SINGLE USER
MODE, with the Dec Alpha just dead ( ie. no lights or activity ).

We called the Tech Support who had us try with the generic kernel and
still no go. We tried ussing "init s" and "init 0" but each time the
system would just hang at the same place.

We thought that C2 might be causing this problem and took a look ( based
of the sulogin man pages ) and found that both /etc/rc.config and
/etc/sia/matrix.conf had the appropriate SECURITY variable ( in this case
ENHANCED ). However we did not something pecular inwhihc we would like
any commentary: there is also a rc.conf file ( in /etc ) which I cannot
find any man page reference too. It has SECURITY = BASE. I would like to
know if this file has any use to the system.

A lil system info: we are running DU 4.0b and FIRMWARE 4.8 on the Alpha
box. All the onwership and permissions are properly set. "uerf -R "
reported no hardware problems and since it could not boot the syslogd
there are not no error logs to report.

Any help concerning rc.conf or SINGLE USER MODE system hang would be
appreciated. A summary will follow.

Thank you

side note: we even have Digital Tech baffled on this one. Presently they
are trying to recreat the same situation in their labs in hopes to find a

  Douglas Meldrum
Network Coordinator
  Delphi Supernet
Received on Tue Jun 10 1997 - 18:44:48 NZST

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