Note - I started from a brand new installation of 4.0B.
1. Unpack GCC- into $GCC_SRC
2. Edit $GCC_SRC/cp/errfn.c
comment out line 198 -
/* extern int sprintf; */
3. cd $GCC_SRC ; ./configure ; make
4. make bootstrap LANGUAGES=all BOOT_CFLAGS="-g -O2"
5. Edit $GCC_SRC/cp/errfn.c and remove comments from line 198
This hack is necessary because install uses cc not the
already-built gcc. I tried working aroung it but this seems
to be the simplest solution.
6. Edit $GCC_SRC/Makefile and remark out all lines with MAKEINFO
Note - this step may be removed by installing GNU Makeinfo from
the textinfo distribution. It may also be replaced by using
make -k install in the next step, according to
Steve VanDevender <>. I have not tested
this - I already had it installed by the time I recieved his
7. make install
1. Unpack libg++- into $G++_SRC
2. ensure gcc is in your path _important_
3. get and use to replace
4. make ; make install
This worked for me.
Thanks to all of the following for their kind help:
Liz Stewart
Yizhong Zhou
Mike McLain
Robert L. McMillin
Brian Harvey
Larry Griffith
Steve VanDevender
Delafontaine, Andre
Randy Dees | SCA: Talorgen ni Wrguist
ASI Systems Administration | a bard, formerly known as Myrddyn
Pr 14:12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end
thereof are the ways of death
Received on Tue Jun 10 1997 - 18:43:07 NZST