We have 5 Alphastations (255/300, DU 4.0a), one of them being the
server, where we installed Matlab. Matlab 4 works fine on all
stations. After installing MATLAB 5 I got
24017:/usr/ax0401/matlab5/bin/alpha/matlab: /sbin/loader: Fatal
Error: cannot map libfor.so
I fixed the problem by installing the FORTRAN 90 Compiler. Now
Matlab 5.0 works fine on our Server-machine, but: After starting
MATLAB on one of our workstations I got the same error message.
Did anyone know a solution to this problem?
I don't want to install C++ and Fortran 90 on the 4 workstations too.
Erwin Hennighausen
Philipps-Universitaet Marburg Tel: 06421/28-3946
- FB Psychologie - FAX: 06421/28-8948
Gutenbergstr. 18
35032 Marburg e-mail: hennigha_at_mailer.uni-marburg.de
Received on Wed Jun 25 1997 - 19:13:22 NZST