[Q] Swap and tlz09

From: <mortimer_at_physics.uq.edu.au>
Date: Fri, 04 Jul 97 08:19:15 +1000

Hi DU admins

Two simple unrelated (probably dumb) questions:

1) I want to repartition a disk which holds the secondary swap.
   How do I turn off swapping to that partition while I edit
   the disklabel or don't I need to worry about it. I don't
   want to take the machine down to single user for this if
   I can avoid it.

2) We use a tlz06 for backups to 90M DAT tapes. We now have an
   opportunity to buy a tlz09. All our backups have been made
   to the compacting device (rmt0h). Will we be able to read these
   tapes on the tlz09. Likewise if we write tapes with the
   tlz09 will we be able to read them on the tlz06. This is
   using only 90M tapes of course.


_/ Ian Mortimer _/
_/ Email: mortimer_at_physics.uq.edu.au ,-_|\ Department of Physics _/
_/ Tel : +61 7 3365 3436 / *\ University of Queensland _/
_/ Fax : +61 7 3365 1242 \_,-._/ St. Lucia, Brisbane _/
_/ v Queensland, Australia 4072 _/
Disclaimer: Any opinions expressed are my own.
Received on Fri Jul 04 1997 - 00:31:11 NZST

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