NSR - "Polycenter Networker Save and Restore"

From: Stephen LaBelle <labelles_at_mscd.edu>
Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 14:23:22 -0600 (MDT)

Hello All,

I have been using NSR to backup my Digital Unix Systems for the
past 2 years and have been thru several versions of the product
at that time. We buy our machines with NAS 200 licenses so we get
a license for NSR on each machine.

The software itself has lots of fancy "Bells and Whistles" many of
which I have never tried out.

I am beginning to lose confidence in this software, as when I
really need it to restore file(s) I always seem to have problems:

        1) Corrupt Media Index
        2) Corrupt Tape Index
        3) Corrupt Tape
        4) Tape index expired

                and so on....

So far, I have been able to get back the files I need. One time DEC NSR
support helped me. At that time, May 1, 1997 I was told the best and
most stable version is V4.2B with all the patches. Thats where I am
now. Newer versions of this software have been released, but I have not
upgraded to them.

Just this past weekend, again I have trouble restoring a file from an
NSR backup just a couple of weeks old.

Anyone, have comments experiences with NSR?

What version of NSR and what patch do I need to get the most stable
version? I have DU 4.0B and DU 3.2G systems.

I will summarize.


# Stephen LaBelle # Internet : labelles_at_mscd.edu #
# Systems Programmer & Postmaster # #
# Metropolitan State College of Denver # #
# Denver, Colorado USA # #
Received on Mon Jul 07 1997 - 22:33:49 NZST

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