I'm trying to update some scripts to differentiate various V4.0
offerings. I don't have a V4.0C system, and the comp.unix.osf.osf1 FAQ
doesn't list V4.0C in its list of 'uname -r/uname -v' table.
Can one of you with a V4.0C system send me the output of the 'uname -a'
Also, to anybody listening at Digital: GET WITH IT ALREADY! Having the
'uname -r' command say V4.0 or V3.2 is nearly useless when you start
releasing V4.0A, V4.0B, V4.0C, V4.0D which have relevant differences.
PLEASE fix 'uname -r' to have the full revision name.
(Whatever became of the "odd final digit is maintenance" release
numbering scheme?)
Received on Thu Jul 31 1997 - 15:46:19 NZST