(part of a)summary and new question : monitor resolution

From: B. Boersch-Pulm <acp30_at_rs1.rrz.Uni-Koeln.DE>
Date: Tue, 5 Aug 1997 13:01:06 +0200

Thanks to all who answered and tried to undersand my broken English.

Sorry for the long time of reply, but my holidays were very fine.

here my original question :

call for help

one of my AlphaStations (AlphaStation 200 4/166) runs with a
monitor-solution of only 1024x768 (VCR21-HX)

How can change this to 1280x1024 ?

here the solution for right monitor resolution :

At first the hardware :

I had to change the switch Settings on my graphic-card : (ZLXp-E1)

I chose : Switch Settings :0

and it works :

uerf : ›tga0: depth 8, map size 4MB, 1280x1024
and sizer :
/usr/sbin/sizer -gr

then I have to change the file /usr/lib/X11/xdm/Xservers (for DU 3.2C) :

:0 local /usr/bin/X11/X -nice -2 -screen0 1280

So far, it works, but it doesnt't solve my problem :

When I run the Xwindows application spartan, a chemical software to
calculate and construct molecules, the whole display becomes deep blue and
then the spartan terminal opens. With these wrong colours it's often very
difficult to see what happens, because it's all in deep blue !

On my other machines AlphaStation 3000 300x also with DU 3.2C it work's
fine. But here the monitor resolution is 1280x1024.
So I thought, the change of the resolution would solve this problem, but
By the way : the change in the Xserver has no effect for my application
and it isn't made in the other working Alpha 3000 300x

sorry for the not very clearly presentation of the problem.

thanks for any hints and ideas

Birgitt Boersch-Pulm
Received on Tue Aug 05 1997 - 13:19:16 NZST

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