Hello, fearless & wise Alpha managers.
I would like to control the FTP access to my Alphastation 250 4/266 running
DU 4.0B. Specifically, I would like give ftp permission to specific users
on a case-by-case basis. I aim to control both local users that have
accounts on the Alpha, and outside users that I wish to share some data with
from time to time.
Your advice in this matter is greatly appreciated.
Colin Brooks
Colin Brooks
GIS Program Analyst
Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program
Hopland Research & Extension Center
4070 University Rd.
Hopland, CA 95449
Primary #'s - TEL:(707)744-1270 FAX:(707)744-1040
Work E-mail: cbrooks_at_nature.berkeley.edu
I'm also found at:
ESPM, University of California - Berkeley
160 Mulford Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720-3114
Secondary #'s - TEL: 510-643-1136 FAX: 510-643-5438
Received on Wed Aug 06 1997 - 19:48:17 NZST