Followup: Adding Disk on second SCSI bus

From: Steve Timm <>
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 1997 17:07:26 -0400 (EDT)

I asked originally what the special device number would be
to install a disk with SCSI ID 0, BUS 1 (the second bus) on
a DEC 3000/700. Several have responded with the correct answer,
it should be rz8.

I've done MAKEDEV of rz8, rebuilt the kernel, rebooted, and
I get the following result:

# scu show edt bus 1
CAM Equipment Device Table (EDT) Information:

    Bus: 1, Target: 0, Lun: 0, Device Type: Direct Access
    Bus: 1, Target: 0, Lun: 1, Device Type: (not present)
    Bus: 1, Target: 0, Lun: 2, Device Type: (not present)
    Bus: 1, Target: 0, Lun: 3, Device Type: (not present)
    Bus: 1, Target: 0, Lun: 4, Device Type: (not present)
    Bus: 1, Target: 0, Lun: 5, Device Type: (not present)
    Bus: 1, Target: 0, Lun: 6, Device Type: (not present)
    Bus: 1, Target: 0, Lun: 7, Device Type: (not present)

That looks just fine. The problem is that
if I try to do

file /dev/rrz8c


disklabel -r /dev/rrz8c

or anything else to the disk, the process hangs and can only be killed
by zapping the window it is running in.

By the way, the disk (dkb0) shows up fine in the hardware
diagnostics at power-up.

Some have suggested that I may need to add the second SCSI controller
files in and then rebuild the kernel. Any sugestions of how to do this?

Steve Timm
Received on Tue Aug 19 1997 - 23:18:00 NZST

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