kloadsrv error message at boot

From: Kurt Brown <brownk_at_interport.net>
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 13:31:36 -0400


I am administering an Alpha Server 1000a 5/400. The system was running fine. My printer would not print any jobs even though it had done so the previous day. I decided to reboot the system. So I shut down and then issued the boot command at the srm console. The system ran through they usual messages and then some time after the initialization of the AdvFS system, a message began scrolling down the screen reading:

kloadsvr: kernel load serveralready running.
kloadsvr: kernel load serveralready running.
kloadsvr: kernel load serveralready running.

I halted the system and cycled the power. same thing.

I booted to single user and the generic kernel, same thing.

Received on Thu Aug 21 1997 - 19:56:38 NZST

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