I received a few more suggestions following my previous summary
1. WinFacet - But from looking at the Web pages I think it
only allows sharing Unix disks TO an NT server.
2. Pathworks from Digital for NT
3. Chameleon NFS from NetManage
Original Question
>I have a an AlphaStation 255 running DU 3.2G. I have a
>Alphaserver 4000 running NT server 4.0 with 300+ GB of
>disk space. I run SAMBA on AS255 Unix machine to allow
>the Unix disk to be shared under NT.
>I would like to be able to mount some of the NT drives on
>the Unix box. What are the options ?
>Is PC-NFS software running on the NT server the only option, if so
>software recommendations, experiences would be welcomed.
Gary Williamson Email: williamson_g_at_coillte.ie
GIS Analyst Tel: +353 1 201 1119
Fax: +353 1 201 1199
Coillte Teoranta
Inventory and GIS Section
Co. Wicklow.
Received on Fri Sep 19 1997 - 12:07:22 NZST