No, this is not how to play the blues using only the modem
speaker. :)
I've an AlphaServer 400 4/233, running DU 4.0, with a USR
Sportster 33.6 faxmodem hanging off of it. It is necessary to get it to
do both faxing and file transfer via zmodem.
Fax works just fine. Dialing out to another site through it works
just fine. Zmodem refuses to work, flat-out. I've downloaded and
compiled four versions of zmodem, all to no avail: zmodem transfers,
whether upload or download, just plain refuse to connect, and the only
message I get when I'm lucky enough to get a message is "sz timed out
waiting for ZRINIT."
What could I be doing wrong? Am I compiling the zmodem package
with the wrong flags? (I use 'make bsd', which uses the following flags
on the files: "cc -O -DMD=2 -Dstrchr=index -DV7 rz.c -o rz". I don't know
enough about C to tell whether this is correct or not, and what a UNIX
sysadmin is doing not knowing C is a sordid tale for another venue.)
Am I missing something in /etc/remote? The entries I use to dial out are as
and neither of them work.
I'm at the end of my rope, and humbly beseech the list's help.
Received on Mon Sep 22 1997 - 16:38:29 NZST