Hi all,
Thanks for responses from:
Kristin L. Larsen <klarsen_at_enterprise.afit.af.mil>
Doug Pajtas <Doug.Pajtas_at_MCI.Com>
James E. Harm (Jim); jharm_at_llnl.gov
John Files jhf_at_dmu.ac.uk
Sophia Liow Sophia.Liow_at_cmis.CSIRO.AU
Olle Eriksson olle_at_cb.uu.se
and to Dr. Tom Blinn who forwarded my post to
Kirt Gillum from DEC's LAN Driver Development group.
Well, I'm certainly not the only one to have run into
the problem of DE500-BA's not being recognized on
on Alphastations.
Kirt Gillum from DEC basically says that I should not
have received the -BA model cards for use on Digital Unix since
basically they are not going to be properly supported
on Alphastations until 4.0D.
Kirt (and John Files) also said that if you are running 4.0A
or 4.0B with the jumbo patches it is possible to force them
to work by setting the mode manually with lan_config.
John's solution:
Ensure correct rev of card **B01** (A01 will NOT work with Alpha
Fit card and boot with genvmunix.Rebuild kernel and reboot
Allegedly should see ewb0 variables at console level (NOT!)
(Kirt says don't worry about them not showing here)
However bootup messages indicate the presence of tu1 and tu0(original net
Use netsetup to configure tu1 and deconfigure tu0
then use lan_config to set correct config
eg lan_config -i tu1 -a 1 -s 100 -x 1
-i - interface (tu1)
-a - auto negotiation (On)
-s - speed (100)
-x - full duplex (ON)
This seems to be the only way around the problem for the moment.
Fortunately I got around the problem by putting the -BA cards in some
NT PC's since the NT drivers support the -BAs and pulling out the -AA
to use in the Alphas. Fine if you've got DE-500's in your PC's :)
Anyway, thanks to all who responded and I hope 4.0D comes out soon so
they are properly supported, since our reseller here says he can only
get the -BA's now.
Karim Keshavjee |e-mail: keshavje_at_cwr.uwa.edu.au
Network Systems Officer |Room: G11, CWR Atrium
Centre for Water Research |phone: +61 08 9380 2408
University of Western Australia |fax: +61 08 9380 1015
Received on Wed Oct 01 1997 - 04:04:16 NZST