After patch kit #5 appeared last friday, I decided to give it a try
this morning but ran into the following mysteries: (Note that I have
patch kit #4 installed already)
"V4.0B Patch 0235.00 - Patch: mkpasswd -s Command Correction"
requires the existence of the following un-installed/un-selected
Source Code Control System
O.K. Maybe I do not have SCCS installed but why is it needed to this
Problem installing:
"V4.0B Patch 0230.00 - Patch: uucp Command Correction (SSRT0296U)"
./usr/sbin/uucpd is installed by:
V4.0B Patch 0136.00 - Patch: libc Corrections, Security(SSRT0296U)
and can not be replaced by this patch.
Why ?? It looks as if this problem blocks many other patches from
being installed because if this patch can't be installed, the libc
patch can't be installed and if the libc patch can't be installed,
many of the other patches in the kit refuse to be installed as well.
Here's another one I can't explain:
Problem installing:
"V4.0B Patch 0189.00 - Patch: ddr_config Corrections" -
./etc/.mrg..sysconfigtab does not exist on your system,
however, it is in the inventory of installed subsets.
This patch can not be installed.
O.k. there is no /etc/.mrg..sysconfigtab but there definately *is*
a /etc/#.mrg..sysconfigtab and I've tried to copy the
/etc/#.mrg..sysconfigtab to /etc/.mrg..sysconfigtab but it still
complains about this.
I have explanations for all other rejected patches and did *not*
proceed with the patches until I have explanations for the above.
Any ideas anyone?
Thanks -- Tom
T o m L e i t n e r Dept. of Communications
Graz University of Technology,
e-mail : tom_at_finwds01.tu-graz.ac.at Inffeldgasse 12
Phone : +43-316-873-7455 A-8010 Graz / Austria / Europe
Fax : +43-316-463-697
Home page : http://wiis.tu-graz.ac.at/people/tom.html
PGP public key on : ftp://wiis.tu-graz.ac.at/pgp-keys/tom.asc or send
mail with subject "get Thomas Leitner" to pgp-public-keys_at_keys.pgp.net
Before we have the paperless office, we have the paperless toilet!
Received on Mon Oct 06 1997 - 09:13:51 NZDT