SUMMARY: Security Questions

From: Debby Quayle <>
Date: Wed, 08 Oct 1997 12:02:16 -0400

Hi Everyone,

I didn't receive a huge number of responses but as usual, those that did
arrive were excellent.

My original question was in two parts:

1) In the absence of C2, was anyone using Cracker as a means to enforce
good passwords. And if so, were there any pitfalls to this technique.

2) Could anyone recommend a good, simple, firewall.

Thanks go to the following--not only for taking time to write, but in a few
cases for taking time to answer follow-up questions too.

Richard Eisenman <>
"Craig I. Hagan" <>
Kai Grunau <>
tcantin_at_WELLESLEY.EDU (Tim Cantin)
Bryan Dunlap <>
Martin Mokrejs <>
Jim Belonis <>


1) Jim was the only one brave enough to admit to having touched Cracker.
His experience convinced me (although I never wanted to mess with it in the
first place) that it isn't worth the hassle -- at least for a system like
ours which is *only* used to process E-mail.

        "We ran cracker for 80,000 minutes on an SGI Indy without finishing
checking 600 users on all its dictionaries. You probably should consider
dedicating a machine to running cracker if people might change their
password to something bad any old time."

As an alternative to the Password Plus program that I tried to use, Bryan
recommended using "npasswd" found at

Craig suggested using OPIE (the new version of S/KEY), but it sounds too
complex for our it too requires modifications to Popper.
Nonetheless, if you are looking for a more rigorous passwd replacement,
this sounds like the ticket.

Martin also mentioned S/KEY but said that KERBEROS is another good
alternative. He reports that it "cracks" the password when a user tries to
create a new one and also offers the ability to send encrypted data. An
additional benefit is that he isn't aware of any crackers for kerberos.

2) Everyone recommended running tcp_wrappers as a simple firewall. I have
to admit to being a real newbie when it comes to this stuff, so after some
digging I discovered that I *already* have tcp_wrappers running on my
system. (blush) For those who don't, it can be obtained from:

Thanks again! And to all of you who are weary of security
questions...thanks for tolerating my posting.


Received on Wed Oct 08 1997 - 19:20:42 NZDT

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