AXP 2100 to 4100 hardware upgrade question...

From: Deen Ipaye <>
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 09:50:56 -0700 (PDT)

Hello Managers:

We are in the process of upgrading our Dec Alpha2100 to a 4100. We plan at
first to swap all the controllers and other peripherals from the 2100 to
the 4100 and later hook up the 2100 in a private network to run heavy
batch jobs. Btw, we are running DEC Unix 4.0b.

My question is, are there others on this list who have performed a similar
exercise? If so, is there a CHECK LIST of steps to take; pitfalls, what
to do and what not to do? I would appreciate it if you care to share.

I will post summaries with credits.



Deen Ipaye Information Services - UCS Sys Support/Admin.
209 Milne Computer Center Internet:
Oregon State University OR
Corvallis, OR 97331-5202 Tel: (541) 737-4281
Received on Wed Oct 15 1997 - 04:14:24 NZDT

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