how to break into enhanced security machine

From: Kristin <>
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 97 10:14:45 EDT

Good Morning -

I have an Alpha 400 4/233 machine that is separated from the network
and running enhanced security running DU 3.2c. I have been tasked
with removing certain accounts and placing the machine back onto the
network for all other users to use it remotely. I have not had a need
to log onto the machien since I made it secure in July.

I logged in, or I should say, tried to log onto the machine as root
and was told that the account was disabled and to see the administrator.
Okay, I decided to try my personal account. It is also disabled.
Yeehaa! I then hit the reset button thinking that I had the machine
set to halt. Ha, no such luck, auto_action is set to boot. I read
in a past summary that you are to hit Ctrl-C to stop the boot process.
I tried 5 times and Ctrl-C would not work. Neither would Ctrl-D,
Ctrl-Y or Ctrl-T. Does anyone have any ideas how I can halt the
machine to boot to single user to allow me to work on the machine?

Thank you,

Kris Larsen


Kristin L. Larsen aka) "Hey you!"
System Administrator, AFIT/ENY
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio
ICES contractor

Received on Wed Oct 22 1997 - 16:38:24 NZDT

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