PowerChute in DU 4.0B

From: Tomasz Gornicki <tom_at_win.oss.wroc.pl>
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 18:16:11 +0000

Has anybody an experience with PowerChute configuration in DU 4.0B?

During installation I have received a message:
The following Port validations for /dev/tty00 may take a few
moments.... /dev/tty00 appears to be a local control port
WARNING: Port must be configured for modem control in order to
work with a "Simple" Signaling UPS
Unfortunately installation documentation of PowerChute is very poor
and there is no description how to configure port for modem control.

I came to conclusion that I should define SLIP protocol to activate
tty00 port. But full SLIP definition require information about modem,
local and remote IP etc.

It seemed to me that it would be enough to add the following line to
/etc/inittab file.

modem:3:respawn:/usr/sbin/getty /dev/tty00 M38400 vt100

I added the line which made troubles with the loop (I called
for help yesterday and solved the problem).

Anyway, I still do not know how should I configure the tty00 port.
Any suggestions?


Tomasz Gornicki
Wroclaw, Poland
Received on Wed Oct 22 1997 - 18:32:59 NZDT

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