Patch Kit #5 observations ....

From: Thomas Leitner <>
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 22:23:26 +0200 (MET DST)


After Digital finally came up with a workaround for my patch kit #5
install problem (BTW: thanks a lot for their support), I've managed to
install the patch kit on both of my alphas.

There are two peculiar things, though and I just want to know if I'm
the only one who sees these and if I should worry about it:

1.) I get lots and lots of messages in the logs and on the console like

Oct 24 18:39:12 xxx vmunix: chk_bf_quota: user quota underflow for
user 269 on fileset /
Oct 24 18:39:12 xxx vmunix: chk_bf_quota: group quota underflow for
group 7 on fileset /
Oct 24 18:39:30 xxx vmunix: chk_bf_quota: user quota underflow for
user 269 on fileset /
Oct 24 18:39:59 xxx vmunix: chk_bf_quota: user quota underflow for
user 269 on fileset /
Oct 24 19:23:49 xxx vmunix: chk_bf_quota: user quota underflow for
user 269 on fileset /

    These "chk_bf_quota" messages appeared before as well but only once
    or twice a day and I know that they are harmless. But now I get about
    20-30 per day? Is this normal? Does anyone see this as well?

2.) During bootstrap right after the kernel has been loaded, I get
    a message like this:

       sysconfigtab: xxxxxxxxx too big xxxxxx 32543 bytes

    or something. The reason why I can't specify the message more
    clearly is, that it only appears at the console. There is *no*
    log file entry with such a message. Not even in UERF.
    And I can't boot the machine more often in order to see the
    message better because I can't afford the downtime.

    Does anyone else see this?

    BTW: I have lots of EISA options etc. in my /etc/sysconfigtab which
    I don't need for sure because this is a PCI bus machine. I just did
    not care about them until now. Are these entries necessary? Can they
    cause this message?

Thanks everybody for any insight and for any hints.


T o m L e i t n e r Dept. of Communications
                                            Graz University of Technology,
e-mail : Inffeldgasse 12
Phone : +43-316-873-7455 A-8010 Graz / Austria / Europe
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