summary: "good" size of root and /usr

From: B. Boersch-Pulm <acp30_at_rs3.rrz.Uni-Koeln.DE>
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 1997 16:20:00 +0100


sorry for the long response time for the summary
(and the wrong Version Nr. for DU. Of course I meant : DU 4.0B)

Thanks to all who answered :

<Dr. Tom Blinn, 603-884-0646 <>
Olle Eriksson <>
Trevor Stott <>
Thomas Leitner <>
Huehls, Mark R. <huehlsm_at_INDY.NAVY.MIL>

Here a summary of the answers :

/root : A good range for root seems to be 96MB up to 128 MB

/usr : the short answer : the rest of the disk (minus swap)
        in more detail : between 500 MB und 1000MB
there was also the suggestion to make an own partition for /usr/local
(what I did because this one increases on our machines with a lot of

by the way :

/swap : should be three or fourtimes the memory size. It depends on the
            applications you want to run.
         In our case it's 350MB (with a memory size of 64 MB) because we
            have a lot of large quantum chemistry calculations

Thanks for all who answered

Until the next question.

Birgitt Boersch-Pulm
Received on Thu Nov 20 1997 - 17:03:05 NZDT

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