Propagating $DISPLAY through rlogin ....

From: Thomas Leitner <>
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 16:45:46 +0100 (MET)


Short question: When I telnet from my alpha to a sun (and to other
alphas as well), the local DISPLAY environment variable is already
properly set on the remote machine. telnet/telnetd apparently convey
certain enviroment variables to remote logins.

This is not the case for rlogin/rlogind. When I rlogin to another
machine, the DISPLAY variable is *not* set. Is there any way to
achieve this?

It is easy as long as: localhost == X server then I can just
set the remote DISPLAY variable to "locahost:0" in the login script.
But if I have an X-Terminal, there is "localhost" != "X server" and
when I set DISPLAY to localhost:0, the console of the respective local
machine gets the window rather than the X-terminal. (Hope I made
clear what I mean :-)

Thanks for any thoughts -- Tom

T o m L e i t n e r Dept. of Communications
                                            Graz University of Technology,
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