1st SUMMARY: DU 4.0b Install Problem on AlphaStation 200 4/166

From: Michel-Ange Camhi <camhi_at_ec-lille.fr>
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 1997 02:43:34 +0100

pb: we were trying to install DU 4.0b (from scratch) on an AlphaStation 200
from CD-ROM.
After many tries, we finally succeeded to boot on the CD-ROM (by putting it
on ID 0 in the SCSI chain)
and got the following error message:
panic (cpu0) : rmalloc
 DUMP : No primary swpa, no explicit dumpdev
 Nowhere to put header, giving up.
The solution seems to be to issue the following commands at the console
prompt (before the boot)
>>> isacfg -init
>>> init
But i think we tried this at least once and it wasnt successful. Still we
need to try it again.
Thanks for their answers to
Mark Gelinas
Tyler Hall
Knut Hellebų
Bob Kaneshige
Olle Eriksson.
Their answers are attached.
Michel-Ange Camhi - Philippe Girolami
Sysadmins for eclia5.ec-lille.fr - Ecole Centrale de Lille

attached mail follows:


> We have the Installation CD-ROM of Digital Unix 4.0b and want to install it
> on an AlphaStation 200 4/166 which is at the moment under DU 3.2c . We

If this is correct you'll have to plan differently. It is NOT possible
to go straight from 3.2C to 4.0B. You'll have to go via 4.0 (I think
it's maybe possible to go to 4.0B from 3.2G but that doesn't matter in
your case, you'll have to do it in two steps anyway unless you're
willing to install from scratch)
      *         Knut Hellebų                     | DAMN GOOD COFFEE !! *
      *         Norsk Hydro a.s                  | (and hot too)       *
      * Phone: +47 55 996870, Fax: +47 55 996495 |                     *
      * Cellular Phone: +47 93092402             |                     *
      * E-mail: Knut.Hellebo_at_nho.hydro.com       | Dale Cooper, FBI    *

attached mail follows:

Michel-Ange, I am having the exact same problem on an Alpha 250 4/266. Please
let me know what you find out. DEC thinks this is a hardware problem, the
hardware guys thinks it's a software problem :-( .

On Sun, 23 Nov 1997 05:05:13 +0100 you said:
>We have the Installation CD-ROM of Digital Unix 4.0b and want to install it
>on an AlphaStation 200 4/166 which is at the moment under DU 3.2c . We
>updated the firmware to 6.6-1.
>We boot on the CD-ROM with boot dka0 (the system HD is on dka 100 and the
>user disk is dka200), then:
>* it reads the boot blocks on the CD
>* it loads the kernel (vmunix loaded)
>* it issues the sizes:
>Sizes :
>text :4769280
>data : 1253168
>bss : 2497296
>loading SIOP : script 800200, reg 82000000, data 40844180
>* it lists the devices
>* and then
>panic (cpu0) : rmalloc
>DUMP : No primary swpa, no explicit dumpdev
> Nowhere to put header, giving up.
>halt code = 5
>Why cant the Official Installation CDROM of DU 4.0b boot correctly?!!
>Thanks a lot in advance,
>Philippe Girolami
>Michel-Ange Camhi
>Ecole Centrale de Lille

attached mail follows:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 1997 16:28:53 +0100
From: Olle Eriksson <olle_at_cb.uu.se>
To: Philippe Girolami <girolami_at_eclia5.ec-lille.fr>
Subject: Re: DU 4.0b Install Problem on AlphaStation 200 4/166
Newsgroups: comp.unix.osf.osf1

You probably have some trouble with your ISA-bus status.

A general advice would be to run the isacfg command in console mode

i. e.

isacfg init

where the second command is optional, it configures the sound board. If
you other nonstandard devices these will need to configuread also

attached mail follows:

Ben voila !


> From: Mark Gelinas <gelinas_at_bismuth.zk3.dec.com>
> Newsgroups: comp.unix.osf.osf1
> Subject: Re: DU 4.0b Install Problem on AlphaStation 200 4/166
> Date: Wednesday, November 26, 1997 9:13 PM
> In article <01bcf7ad$f65b1b20$50b331c1_at_lf325.vinci.ec-lille.fr> "Philippe
Girolami" <girolami_at_eclia5.ec-lille.fr> writes:
> > We have the Installation CD-ROM of Digital Unix 4.0b and want to
install it
> > on an AlphaStation 200 4/166 which is at the moment under DU 3.2c . We
> > updated the firmware to 6.6-1.
> >
> > [snip snip]
> >
> > panic (cpu0) : rmalloc
> > DUMP : No primary swpa, no explicit dumpdev
> > Nowhere to put header, giving up.
> >
> > halt code = 5
> > PC=...
> > >>>
> >
> > Why cant the Official Installation CDROM of DU 4.0b boot correctly?!!
> >
> Philippe,
> According to the firmware release notes, you need to issue the command
> >>> iascfg -init
> before attempting to load the CD. This should solve your problem.
> You didn't specify if you were trying to install or upgrade. If you are
> not already aware, I'd like to mention that install is your only option.
> The upgrade migration path requires you upgrade to v4.0 of DU, then
> upgrade again to v4.0B. If installing, be sure to back up your data
> and config files first.
> MarkG
> --
> Mark Gelinas Digital Equipment Corporation
> EMail: gelinas_at_zk3.dec.com 110 Spit Brook Road, ZKO3-3/V08
> Phone: +1 (603) 884-1511 Nashua, NH 03062-2642 USA

attached mail follows:

>>isacfg -init

should fix the problem...


Philippe Girolami wrote:
> We have the Installation CD-ROM of Digital Unix 4.0b and want to install it
> on an AlphaStation 200 4/166 which is at the moment under DU 3.2c . We
> updated the firmware to 6.6-1.
> We boot on the CD-ROM with boot dka0 (the system HD is on dka 100 and the
> user disk is dka200), then:
> * it reads the boot blocks on the CD
> * it loads the kernel (vmunix loaded)
> * it issues the sizes:
> Sizes :
> text :4769280
> data : 1253168
> bss : 2497296
> loading SIOP : script 800200, reg 82000000, data 40844180
> * it lists the devices
> * and then
> panic (cpu0) : rmalloc
> DUMP : No primary swpa, no explicit dumpdev
> Nowhere to put header, giving up.
> halt code = 5
> PC=...
> >>>
> Why cant the Official Installation CDROM of DU 4.0b boot correctly?!!
> Thanks a lot in advance,
> Philippe Girolami
> Michel-Ange Camhi
> Ecole Centrale de Lille

Tyler Hall			          Digital Equipment Corp
Digital UNIX Support 			           Alpharetta GA  
hall_at_alf.dec.com                                  1-800-354-9000
Received on Thu Nov 27 1997 - 03:04:18 NZDT

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