Problem with locking ! ( mail )

From: Marcus Bahlo <>
Date: Fri, 28 Nov 1997 03:55:26 +0100

Hello fellow managers,

for a few days now our mailsystem does some strange things.

We have 4 Alphas and 4 HPs. On one Alpha we have our mail-directory
/var/spool/mail/ . All other machines are mounting this directory
via nfs ( as they always did ). On all machines you can list your
mailfile using e.g. "more /usr/spool/mail/userxy". So the directory is
mounted correctly. But "mail" only works on the server. On all other
Alphas you get the errormessage:

"binmail: cannot lockf /usr/spool/mail/userxy"

On the HPs you get the message:

"mail: can not lock on /var/mail/userxy after 10 tries"

Also sending messages directly via mail ( e.g. "mail userxy" ) does only
work on the server. ( No errormessages but also no mail on all other
machines. )

If we are using netscape for reading the mails, everything's perfect
( i.e. The new mails are being moved to .nsmail/Inbox and
       /var/spool/mail/userxy is an empty file )

Further more, some users say, they don't get any mails now for several
days, although the are sure, they should have received some.

BTW: We haven't changed anything at our system for months !

Are we going to get crazy ???

Any suggestions ?

      Marcus Bahlo

  Marcus Bahlo
  Digital Systems Institute
  Dept. of Electrical Engineering
  University of Kaiserslautern Phone : ++49-631/205-2604
  Erwin-Schroedinger-Strasse Fax : ++49-631/205-3606
  D-67663 Kaiserslautern / Germany E-Mail :
Received on Fri Nov 28 1997 - 04:06:26 NZDT

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