Nesting and Memory

From: Douglas Meldrum <>
Date: Tue, 09 Dec 1997 17:52:06 -0500 (EST)


I have been working on a intergrated billing module for digital unix and
our billing software. I wrote a C program which, inside, are nested
several digital unix adduser/deluser shell scripts. This C program is
called upon by the billing module ( written in perl ) when
adding/deleting users. Therefore I have a run-time script running a
compiled prrgram with run-time shell scripts nested inside. ( havent lost
anyone yet ??? :-) )

My problem is this, when I run the C program as stand alone, all works
out well. When I have the billing module run the same C program, one of
the shell scripts core dumps with a "Segmentation fault, signal 11".
However the C programs continues meerly on its way and so does the module.

Any ideas why the nesting som many programs is causing one of the scripts
to core ??? Anyway to allocate more memory to the program/scripts so it
doesnt happen. Could it be a kernel " maximum allowed open files" problem ???

Thanks in advanced and will summerise too.

p.s. I am still relatively new to programming so go easy on me please :-)

           Douglas Meldrum
         Network Coordinator
           Delphi Supernet

         "a lil tiny bit in
          a stream of bytes
        being bridge, routed,
         filtered and dumped
         into someone's bit
Received on Tue Dec 09 1997 - 23:52:19 NZDT

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