I'm sorry I wasn't too clear before on my question. My requirement
is to connect to an existing network based on HPPI as the physical
medium. We need this bandwidth because our data rate is estimated
to be around 20-30 MegaBytes per second (MB/s). Some have suggested
FDDI, which is 100 Megabits per second (Mb/s), or 12.5 MB/s, but it
will not provide sufficient bandwidth.
A couple respondents suggested that I call Essentail Communication
in Albuquerque, NM. I'll give them a buz tomorrow (really busy today).
Thanks to the following for their inputs:
randy perry <randyp_at_aspsys.com>
Ken Teh <teh_at_chinook.phy.anl.gov>
Jeffrey G. Micono 6533 <jgmicon_at_sandia.gov>
Knut Helleb <Knut.Hellebo_at_nho.hydro.com>
And especially:
Dirk Grunwald <grunwald_at_foobar.cs.colorado.edu>
Paul Chen <paul_at_imsc.com>
for reminding me of the PCI based memory channel product that DEC has
just released. However, the network I have to connect to is a mixture
of SUN, SGI, IBM, and HP, in addition to DEC, so that won't work.
Also, thanks for the announcement of the new personnal Alpha stations.
They seem to pack a lot of performance for their prices. However, as I
read their specs, I can't help but look at the SGI Origins system that
is being installed into our site at this time, and wonder what DEC will
have to compete against them. It's almost completely up, and I'll be
running some basic computational benchmarks of my own on it to see if
the substance matches the marketing.
Received on Wed Jan 15 1997 - 04:25:16 NZDT