Thanks to:
Reinhard Merz (MARB) <>
Murat Gokhan ALAK <>
Bertrand Hutin <>
Annette Theissen <>
for their answers faster than greased lightning...
My original question was:
I try to compile sendmail 8.8.5 on a DU 3.2C box. But the compilation return an
error message:
cc -Olimit 1000 -I. -O -I/usr/sww/include -DNDBM -DNEWDB -DNIS -c map.c
/usr/lib/cmplrs/cc/cfe: Error: map.c: 51: Cannot open file db.h for #include
*** Exit 1
Do you know this message ? How to find the missing files ?
The answers were:
If you want compile sendmail whith -DNEWDB option, you need to get the
"ftp.CS.Berkeley.EDU " DB-Package (db.tar.Z). If not, remove the -DNEWDB entry
from the Makefile.
Received on Thu Feb 06 1997 - 11:42:10 NZDT