Missing srm.conf

From: Paul Key <paul_at_hsrc.org.uk>
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 10:16:03 GMT

Hello managers

Apologies if this is not directly relevant to the list...but it deals with
D-UNIX file linking and whether or not a WWW server can follow a unix
defined link.

I am in the process of installing an access counter to my homepage. I have
full system access - and realise that binaries are only executable from the
cgi-bin directory - the binary exe file (home.html - a compiled C program)
is called first (indirectly hopefully!) from the server 'root' directory
which then assembles the page from a top & bottom half i.e. the original
home page is split. The C program assembles the 'new' homepage - streams the
top half - adds the counter line - and then appends the bottom half and
resides in the cgi-bin directory. Now I came to create the ScriptAlias to
tell the server the homepage (now the executable) is no longer in the server
'root' directory - the default location - but now in the cgi-bin directory
but I have no srm.conf file in which to define a ScriptAlias!

I am using the Netscape commerce server which is set up to pick up home.html
in the user defined server 'root' directory. Now, I tried linking
home.html to the compiled exe home.html in the cgi-bin directory but his
didn't work! (D-UNIX 3.2a) Do you know how I get the server to think that
its home page(expected in the server root directory) is in fact in the
cgi-bin directory? - without an srm.conf file?



    |R| A Message from Paul Key: Reginet Systems Developer
    |E| at
    |G| The Institute of Public & Environmental Health,
    |I| The University of Birmingham,
    |N| http://www.hsrc.org.uk
    |E| E-mail : Paul_at_hsrc.org.uk
    |T| Telephone : 0 (+44) 121 456 5600 Ext. 59875
    | | Fax / Messages : 0 (+44) 121 454 6876
Received on Fri Feb 07 1997 - 11:36:27 NZDT

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