Here is the summary for my XDMCP question. Original question follows.
I didn't
received any mail on this one. Digital helped me out on this.
The problem was my DU system was not recognizing the network address
from my
pc in time and was rejecting the X connection. I edited the
/usr/dt/config/Xconfig file.
Uncommented the DTlogin*opentimeout: and put a time of 120 seconds.
Kill -HUP two dtlogin processes found by doing a ps -ef | grep -i dt.
Killing the dt
processes may hang your console, so beware when doing this. First time
it hung and
simply rebooted.
The second try was ok. The difference was I logged out first, telneted
over and killed
the the processes. Then click on options and reset in the console login
window and it
was fine.
I believe this was not the same fix I talked about in the original
question though as the system
I set up a couple of months ago does not have this in the Xconfig file.
>From: SIMEONE, Allan J.
>Sent: Friday, December 12, 1997 10:30AM
>To: ''
>Subject: XDMCP question
>I know I got the answer from searching the archives for this list
>before, but I just can't find it again.
>About a month ago, or so, I needed to enable XDMCP for a DU system for
>to use Reflection X. Now I have to do it again for another system and
>can't remember how I did it.
>the error I get when trying to connect to the DU system from a
>Reflection X client is as follows...
>Your XDMCP connection timed out - make
>sure that the hosts on your network are
>running XDM programs. Also, if XDMCP
>Method is set to Broadcast, put your
>compuer;s Internet address in your
>TCP/IP Host Names file and try again.
>I seem to remember editing a file on the server to fix this. Could
>someone please tell me
>how to enable this?
Received on Tue Dec 16 1997 - 17:55:38 NZDT