.forward file

From: <rem_at_MATH.AMS.ORG>
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 14:50:18 -0500

Hello everyone,

This may not be the best list to ask this question
to, but it's the only list that I read on a regular
basis and I'm sure someone knows this.

I have created a user that is used only to forward
mail to a script. The password entry in the passwd
file is NoLogin and the shell is /bin/csh. The script
that the mail is sent to is a perl script that calls
some Tex command. The Tex command is in /usr/local/bin.
For some reason, when the perl script is running, it
cannot find /usr/local/bin. I have /usr/local/bin in
the .cshrc file, thinking that it would source the .cshrc
file before running the script in the .forward file.
Here's the question: Does the .cshrc file get read
at all when I am using a .forward file that pipes
mail to a script?


Bob Morse
System Administrator
American Mathematical Society
Received on Wed Feb 19 1997 - 21:16:38 NZDT

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