I recently sent this message...
>We tried to install a 2nd CPU in a 2100.
>The hardware install was easy. However given
>some of the things I've read on the list,
>concerning CPU upgrades, I assumed that my
>original osf-base, non-SMP license, would load
>upon reboot after the CPU install so I could,
>then, register/load the SMP license on-line. This
>didn't happen.
>Upon reboot the non-SMP license did not load and my console
>was "stuck" and I couldn't log into root. I, then, tried
>to register/load the SMP license from single-
>user mode which resulted in a "not enough units" message.
>Trying to load the non-SMP license manually, not unexpectedly,
>came back with "not enough units" too.
>At this point it appears that I do not have a SMP license
>with enough units and when/how do I install it when I
>do have a proper SMP license?
It occurred to me that my problem was that I only should have registered
the SMP license and then re-booted. So LMF would combine the units
from the original license and the SMP license upon re-boot.
Is this correct?
| |
|Karen Byrd, Digital Alpha Sys./Net.|
| Manager |
| |
|University of Pennsylvania |
|Computing & Information Technology |
|(Medical School Computer Facility) |
|Philadelphia, PA 19104 (USA) |
|E-mail: byrd_at_mscf.med.upenn.edu |
| byrd_at_info.med.upenn.edu |
| karen_at_mail.med.upenn.edu |
|FAX: (215)573-2277 |
|Phone: (215)898-6865 |
Received on Wed Feb 26 1997 - 19:09:18 NZDT