Thanks for
Tim W. Janes
Gernot Salzer
My original question:
> Hello,
> I installed pop3d-r6 on DU 3.2c. My users complain that their mails come
> as one mail. All mails are connected. They see only one mail on their box.
> But that mails contains more than one mail. They use Netscape(3.0) to read
> mails.
> What is the problem? How can they see mails indivitually?
> Thanks in advance.
The solution: I installed qpopper and it runs perfectly.
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 10:24:11 +0000 (GMT)
From: "Tim W. Janes" <>
To: Akile Sahin <>
Subject: Re: pop3 and Netscape
we had exactly the same problem.
fixed it by replacing the pop daemon by qpopper.
This popper has been modified by many people. Read the
Release.Notes document in the doc directory for a complete
history. This popper can be anonymously retrieved from under /quest/unix/servers/popper.
The INSTALL file describes the simplified make and install
procedure for the Qualcomm popper.
The README.Berkeley goes into much more detail on how to
install the popper if you are interested.
Basically you enter "make" to view a list of ported platforms
and then you enter "make <target>" for the OS that comes closest
to what you want.
Mark Erikson 9/20/95
AKiLE SAHiN EgeNET Network & UNIX System Administrator Ege University Computer Center
+90 232 3881080x249 35020 Bornova, Izmir - TURKEY
Received on Thu Feb 27 1997 - 15:14:55 NZDT