Dear Managers,
I previously wrote:
>Dear Managers,
> We are currently using pop3d on Alpha 1000 4/233's running DU 3.2c.
>However, we've been encountering some problems in terms of mailbox locking
>and other headaches. Can anyone tell me what's best pop3 server to use??
>Thank you.
I have so far recieved and overwhelming response indicating that
Qualcomm's qpopper is the way to go. We currently use mh's popd. How can
we upgrade from this to qpopper with the least amount of headaches from
the passord database file?? (We have > 2000 users). Thank you.
.---. .----------- || Oral Mohan,
/ \ __ / ------ || Research / Systems Development Engineer,
/ / \( `-, ----- || InterServ Ltd.
////// '~ ( --- || Phone: (809) 637-6862
//// / // : ; --- || Fax: (809) 637-8267
// / / /) / -- || Email:
/ //..\\ || WWW:
Received on Thu Feb 27 1997 - 17:41:17 NZDT