RPC hogging memory

From: Adrian Burd <adrian_at_calanus.tamu.edu>
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 1997 11:11:48 -0600

We have just come across an unusual problem concerning rpc and I was
wondering if anyone has any ideas concerning its cause or permenant

We have a pair of DEC Alphas running DU4.2. They are networked to the
university system, though only people in the lab use them. One of them
started acting up yesterday with messages of less than 10% swap space
available: i.e.

  Dec 17 10:55:30 plankton vmunix: swap space below 10 percent free
  Dec 17 10:55:52 plankton last message repeated 2 times
  Dec 17 10:57:53 plankton last message repeated 11 times

No one was using the machine during this time, and only one person was
logged in (remotely, not at the console) but wasn't doing
anything (he telnets in from a PC running NT to check his mail). The
problem was discovered when someone attempted to log
into the console and read mail. This problem persisted for a short
time and then cured itself. None of the log files appeared to show
anything untoward.

Today, the problem recurred. On a careful comparison of the two alphas
we noticed that rpc.cmsd was using over 70Mb of memory on the
problematic machine, and only 9.5 on the happy machine. We re-booted
the problem machine and everything seems fine for the moment.

Does anyone have any idea what is happening, or how to discover what
might be the root cause of this problem.

Many thanks for your help.


Adrian Burd,                 | Quidquid Latinae dictum sit,
Dpt. of Oceanography,        | altum videtur.
Texas A&M University,        | 
College Station ,            |--------------------------------------- 
Texas 77843-3146             |
F: (409) 847 8879            | http://www-ocean.tamu.edu/~ecomodel
W: (409) 845 1115            |
Disclaimer: I am not the official spokesperson for anyone, for which 
            organisations that use spokespersons are profoundly
Received on Thu Dec 18 1997 - 18:11:15 NZDT

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