[SUMMARY]Upgrading disk drives and DU simultaneously

From: Larry Griffith <larry_at_garfield.wsc.mass.edu>
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 17:21:55 -0400

Dear Managers,

     My original post is at the end. I received two quick responses:

Oisin McGuinness <oisin_at_sbcm.com>
Mervyn Weis <Mervyn.Weis_at_digital.com>


     Both agreed that the 4.0B Installation Guide is OK to follow.
Oisin gave several enhancements and improvements to my outline:

What you're doing is essentially how I've upgraded some 3000/600''s
recently. I add a few comments.

1. You should have gotten a Release Notes for Version 4.0D; it says in
Chapter 2 on Installation to follow the Installation Guide, and that
is indeed 4.0B.

   Read section 2.2.2 very carefully. Note that to verify the root
domain, one uses

         /sbin/advfs/verify -r root_domain

   There are, if you trust me, no specific 3000/600 stuff in Chapter 3
to be aware of.

2. Upgrade the firmware. Upgrade the firmware. Upgrade the firmware.

3. I don't see the point of the minimal install in D. It is easier
    a) attach new system disk at whatever, say external scsi 0,
rz8. (Do you really mean rz3? rz0 is normally internal. If all
internal, then excuse my numbering..)

    b) Zero and create the disklabel
             disklabel -rw rz8 rz8

    c) Save a text representation of the new label
            disklabel -r rz8 >/tmp/label.rz8.old

    d) Edit to layout the disk as needed, especially enlarging a
etc. Read Chapter 2.1.3 in Release Notes.
           cp /tmp/label.rz8.old /tmp/label.rz8.new
           vi /tmp/label.rz8.new

    e) Write the label back to the disk, including adding boot blocks,
note that we write to /dev/rrz8c since we will be changing a.

    disklabel -R -r -t advfs /dev/rrz8c /tmp/label.rz8.new /mdec/rzboot.advfs /mdec/bootrz.advfs

    Then you need to create domains etc. I usually have separate usr and var on d and g, your tastes may vary.
     mkfdmn -t advfs /dev/rrz0a root_domain_new 
  mkfset root_domain_new root
   (Repeat for usr, var.)
     Assume you mount these new domains at convenient points, say
     mount root_domain_new#root /mnt/new-root
    vdump 0f - / | (cd /mnt/new-root; vrestore -xf -)

   etc. etc.
will give you an exact copy of your old system, but on the new disk
with larger partitions. Then switch SCSI ids, and reboot. The new disk
will have some dangling domain pointers for root_domain_new
etc. delete them from /etc/fdmns. I've done this many times, and have
it completely scripted. Works fine.

Hope this helps.

Oisin McGuinness

      Here is my original post:

Dear Managers,

     Next week I'm upgrading my 3000/600 with two 1GB drives running
v4.0B to a 4GB system disk (/,/usr, and swap) and a 9GB user disk
(/usr/local and /usr/users) running 4.0D. All filesystems are AdvFS.
A couple of questions:

i) The 4.0D kit came with a 4.0B (not D) Installation Guide.
Everything else is for 4.0D. Can I safely follow a 4.0B Installation
Guide or am I going to go down in flames halfway through this
procedure because of some difference between 4.0D and 4.0B ?

ii) My poor 64MB root partition won't support a update install, but I
really want to preserve my customizations (my full install of 4.0B
left me fixing broken customizations for months afterwards). So I'd
really like to do the disk and OS upgrades together (using a larger
root partition on the new disk), using an update install. Is this a
reasonable procedure:

     A) Full backup to tape of both current disks.
     B) Shutdown
     C) Remove existing user disk (SCSI 3) and replace with new
system disk (which temporarily will have to be SCSI 3 also).
     D) Do a minimal install on new system disk (just to make sure
it's bootable, has a reasonable disklabel, and has valid AdvFS
filesystems; is there an easier way to do this?).
     E) Copy the old system disk (SCSI 0) files/directories to the new
system disk. (I think the best command for doing this is in the
archives somewhere, but anyone can refresh my memory it would be

     At this point I have to decide whether the new disk will become
SCSI 0 or remain SCSI 3. I think changing to SCSI 0 is easier: change
the links in /etc/fdmns now (hopefully also restoring the original
domain names) and change the switches on the disk at shutdown. I hope
this is the correct decision.

     F) Change the links in /etc/fdmns.
     G) Shutdown.
     H) Switch the new system disk to SCSI 0
     I) Remove the old system disk.
     J) Install the new user disk as SCSI 3.
     H) Boot from the 4.0D CD-ROM and do an update install.
     I) Restore the user disk from tape.

Any comments?


Larry Griffith Dept. of Computer & Info Science
larry_at_garfield.wsc.mass.edu Westfield State College
(413) 572-5294 Westfield, MA 01086 USA
PGP public key available at: http://garfield.wsc.mass.edu/dcis/griffith.html
Received on Thu Aug 13 1998 - 21:30:56 NZST

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