[SUMMARY] Compiling on DUnix and running on Linux

From: Mike Iglesias <iglesias_at_draco.acs.uci.edu>
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 14:41:15 -0700

Recently I asked:

  There are some groups on campus that may be interested in compiling programs
  on Digital Unix (with -non_shared) and running them on Linux systems. Does
  anyone know if there are any issues with doing this, such as license
  restrictions? They feel the DUnix compilers generate better code.

  We're using CSLG licenses if that makes a difference.

Thanks to David Warren and Kevin Maguire for their answers below.

Mike Iglesias Internet: iglesias_at_draco.acs.uci.edu
University of California, Irvine phone: 949-824-6926
Office of Academic Computing FAX: 949-824-2069


From: David Warren <warren_at_atmos.washington.edu>

I have been told by the OS and Compiler groups within Digital that this is
allowed. In fact it was someone at digital who first suggested it to me.

David Warren 		INTERNET: warren_at_atmos.washington.edu
(206) 543-0945		Fax: (206) 543-0308
University of Washington
Dept of Atmospheric Sciences, Box 351640
Seattle, WA 98195-1640
From:    Kevin Maguire <K.Maguire_at_dl.ac.uk>
Hi Mike
> There are some groups on campus that may be interested in compiling
> programs on Digital Unix (with -non_shared) and running them on
> Linux systems.  Does anyone know if there are any issues with doing
> this, such as license restrictions?  They feel the DUnix compilers
> generate better code.
They're right!
> We're using CSLG licenses if that makes a difference.
It doesn't!  I think Steve Lionel (DEC Fortran guru) made a post about
this in a newsgroup a while back, IIRC you will be breaching some
DUnix copyright/license rules, i.e. its the stuff in libc that's the
problen.  Re-engineering that "code" in Linux would get round the
legal problems, but AFAIK Digial simply don't care that much.  Loads
of people are doing this now, the DUnix license is expensive when
compared to the cost of Alpha boxes nowadays.
Digital was an important part of the port of Linux to alpha anyway, I
wouldn't worry about it.  If Digital actually sold a version of their
compilers for Linux then that would be a different story.
   /\___/\    ==============================================
   | o o |    Kevin Maguire          Computational Scientist
  __\_^_/__   DCI                  CLRC Daresbury Laboratory
 (__/   \__)  e-mail:                     K.Maguire_at_dl.ac.uk
  _|  :  |_   Tel: 01925 603221            Fax: 01925 603634
 (__\___/__)  ==============================================
Received on Thu Aug 13 1998 - 22:03:45 NZST

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